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Our Speciality Services

As a dedicated and experienced psychotherapist, I offer a range of comprehensive services to support your mental and emotional well-being. My commitment is to help you navigate life’s challenges, cultivate resilience, and embrace a healthier and more fulfilling life. Let me navigate you through some of my special skills & associated mental health services.

Speciality Services
Relationship Counseling

In the realm of relationship counseling, I guide individuals and couples toward understanding, harmony, and connection.

Individual Psychotherapy
Family Counseling

Family dynamics can be complex, and my family counseling services are designed to help resolve conflicts.

Speciality Services
Counseling on Sexual Concerns

Sexual concerns can be sensitive and challenging to address alone.

Counseling for Depression
Counseling for Depression

Depression can cast a shadow on even the brightest of days.

Counseling for Work Stress

In today's fast-paced world, work-related stress is increasingly common.

Counseling for Victims of Cybercrimes

The digital world can be fraught with dangers. I provide support for victims of cybercrimes.

Counseling for OCD

OCD can be disruptive and distressing. Through a structured and empathetic approach

Counseling for Cancer Survivors

Surviving cancer is a remarkable feat, but it can leave emotional scars.

Counseling for PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event.

Building Resilience, Mindfulness, and Mental Strength

In addition to specific counseling services, I also offer guidance in building resilience, practicing mindfulness.

Open Hours

If you feel like you need a counselor to speak to, we are here:
  • Mon-Sun: 9 AM – 6 PM
  • Sunday: 9 AM – 4 PM

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